Dwell The Office

The project "Dwell the Office" demonstrates the possibility of converting an office building into residential spaces, both from legal and spatial perspectives. It uses the "Hochhaus zur Schanzenbrücke" as a case study to illustrate the journey of a citizens' initiative named "Büroraum wird zu Wohnraum" (Office Space Becomes Living Space). This initiative, targeting the City of Zurich, seeks to modify current laws to facilitate such transformations. The proposal is set to be presented to the City in the spring of 2024, with a campaign to gather signatures commencing in the autumn of 2024. The objective is to amass sufficient support within one year to effectuate significant political change and enhance awareness about both the issue and the potential for transformation.

If you are interested in supporting this cause, please consider reaching out to the organizers to contribute to the realization of this project.

Juan Marin, Florin Högger, Lukas Meier
Arno Brandlhuber, Bing Liu, Giacomo Ardesio, Jolene Lee, Meghan Rolvien, Severin Bärenbold, Olaf Grawert, Pan Hu
Valerie Engel, Rebecca Oesch